Portrait – Illustration

A Bengali woman ready for Puja
This form of goddess is destroyer of all negative energies, demon entities and spirits. Kaalratri means the one who is the death of kaal.
How innocent childhood is.. as you can see in the background that she was painting but when she saw a bird she left her work and enjoyed seeing the chirping bird, forgetting everything else and living in the present and enjoying every little happiness.
I often see many birds from my studio’s window but I don’t feel them as much as I should because there is always something in my mind. That’s why I illustrated it as soon as I felt it.
When I used to dance, oftentimes during rains, my friends and I used to stare it from our dance workshop. I had no mobile that time so I couldn’t snap those beautiful moments from my school and college. So here I created something to keep those memories alive forever.
Dressed up nicely and watching the starts and her partner is capturing her 🙂 just kidding.
How do you like it? and who else love watching starts??
This illustration I did during Indian festival ‘Navratri’. Hope you would like it.